Friday, May 30, 2008

Summer Updates

It's been several days since I blogged. Thanks for being patient with me. So much has been going on that I need to bring you up to date...

For starters, my prayers continue for the church family of Bell Shoals Baptist in Brandon. The deaths of their pastor and his son certainly have challenged and stretched their faith. Please continue to pray with me for the entire church family and Pastor Forrest's wife, Dawn, and the five surviving children.

Please drop by the FAITH building atrium and sign the memorial book with a word of encouragement for Dawn and the family. I'll personally deliver it to her sometime in the next few days. Please go by and add your words to the book.

God is blessing our church - it's different than in years gone by but it's still amazing what God is doing. With the economy and several other factors, we have made and continue to make adjustments in the way we do ministry. Yet, our goals and God's blessings continue to yield souls for Christ and many growing disciples in our church.

That is what pleases the Lord and it pleases all of us as well.

Summertime is here. That means we have lots of things happening, people going lots of different directions - sometimes all at the same time. As you vacation and travel to see family and sights, don't forget to fill your spots of ministry during your time away. Each of us has a place of ministry and service that is crucial to the ongoing ministry of McGregor.

When you are gone, it creates a huge ministry "hole" that weakens the effectiveness of our ministry because your ministry impacts the church and the Kingdom of God. We are all ministers together - be faithful to your ministry.

Also, remember to mail or "catch up" your tithes and offerings while you're away. You may be gone, but the church's ministry goes on. Also, continue to pray for our people's Chapter Three giving. Pray for God to bless investments and bonuses and JOBS. God knows our needs, we simply need to be faithful to Him and stay focused on Jesus.

Remember, it's ALL for SOULS!!

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