Sunday, April 13, 2008

From the West Bank to the West Side (Story)

LuAnne and I just returned with about 30 others from our church from a wonderful trip to the Holy Land. Honestly, I cannot even describe this trip. To see the places described in the Bible, and the places where our Lord lived, ministered, died, was buried and rose again - it just can't be put into words. The Bible comes alive around you!
I hope that many of you will make your plans NOW to go with us next time (we'll probably go again in two years) and receive a huge blessing in your life and heart.
When we returned (exhausted), we went straight to Liberty University to visit with our daughter, Kayla. This was a special weekend for her. She played the part of Anita in the musical theatre production of "West Side Story."
We saw the opening night performance - 3 hours and 10 minutes!! It was awesome. Heather, our oldest daughter flew up for the performance and that was tough on her. She is almost 9 months pregnant (due May 16) but it was great to see her. Rilee (our baby grand-daughter) will be here soon. We are sooooo excited!!
This morning was great. To be back home with our church family was a blessing. I am so excited about the things coming up in the next few days at McGregor. The "American Idols" series on Sunday morning, the "REAL" series in our FOCUS service on Wednesdays as we study the book James, the "Flip This Family" conference and then preaching series for May - and then a full summer of outstanding events for everyone in the church family.
It is good to see God doing what only God can do in the hearts and lives of so many people.
Keep praying - keep growing in your faith.
Keep reading the Word - daily.

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