Saturday, June 2, 2007

I'm Not in Management...

...just in sales. As a pastor, especially at McGregor, I have a lot of great pastors and "teammates" who help me make a lot of decisions that affect a lot of people. That keeps my prayer life very current: "Lord, give us wisdom that we might not mess up today..."

Sometimes, though, "decisions" get made for me. At the Pastor's Golf Challenge this weekend, things were taken completely out of our control and it was a real mess -- not due to anyone's planning; rather, it was Tropical Storm Barry on the FIRST DAY of hurricane season! The weather, the timing, the conditions, the effect on the tournament - it was all a mess.

Rain soaked the Friday round - some guys just quit (including me) and some fought on through. I'm sure for them, it was way less than an enjoyable round of golf. Saturday was canceled and re-scheduled for next Saturday (June 9). Any teams that didn't finish on Friday because of the weather can join us on Saturday and complete the tournament.

I really want this to be a GREAT tournament - and lots of folks want to beat me - bad! That's ok because my only real desire is to raise as much money as possible for the students going on mission trip. Everything we make from this tournament goes to help our students go around the world to share the love of Jesus. That's really important to me. Remember, I'm in sales. If you love Jesus, you are too.

I'm reminded of Paul's encouragement to the Christians at Thessolonica: "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Especially when we can't control the outcome, we need to recall God's faithfulness to us and praise him through every situation, whether the sun is shining on the golf course or you're playing through the storm.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just tear them up this saturday at the Golf event pastor, you could do it. And if you want to change sports and make a Basketball tourney, count me in.