Thursday, October 11, 2007

Getting Away with God...

I started a routine several years ago that just gets better with age.
Preaching is such a "drain." Don't get me wrong, I love to preach, but it is so draining spiritually.
It is the single most important reason that my devotional time is easy for me to protect.
Several years ago I started a routine of getting away for several days twice each year to pray, plan and prepare to preach.
No phones, no people, no razor - really, I seclude myself as much as possible and just "do business" with the Lord.
I love these times. I cherish the "wilderness" experience with the Lord.

I'm there right now. I check emails for about 15 minutes twice a day and have received dozens of emails from people who knew this was my study week. People praying for me, asking God to speak clearly to my heart - what a blessing.
I've experience many "mountain-top" experiences in my life and ministy and I hope many more yet to come.
Yet, few will ever rival this time of just getting away and focusing on the Lord and His Word.
What a blessing.
Want to come join me? Sorry, I forgot - no people. So play your time away with the Lord. Maybe in segments like me or in smaller times each day so God can set the agenda for your day.

Be blessed. I am.


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