Hey everyone.
Traveling - I love it, and I hate it. Airports, packing, foreign beds, being away from my wife and church - not so much.
The best part - going someplace really, really interesting. For the next several days, leaving today, I'm heading to the Holy Land with about 30+ folks from our church. Seeing the Sea of Galilee, the Upper Room, Golgatha, the Garden of Gethsemane, the place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, the Dead Sea, Masada, and especially the tomb of Jesus - it's an incredible trip.
The part I enjoy the most is how acually seeing these places where Jesus lived and walked really makes the Bible come alive more than ever. whether my devotional time, or my sermon preparation time or just sharing with Christian friends, it is so meaningful to have seen these places that I read about and talk about.
Please pray for our entire group. Pray for my wife's health (she regularly has severe headaches that makes traveling difficult), pray for safety as we travel, for nerves - even real anxiety on the part of some travelers because of all we read in the papers...